Thursday, July 2, 2009


A pretty awesome friend of mine, Kathy Escobar, graciously offered me an opportunity a week ago or be a guest contributor for the online community, Communitas Collective, that she regularly writes for.
If you know know that while I dream of doing such things I freak the hell out when I am actually given a real live chance to 'write'. See, I have this nagging desire, but I doubt my ability to come up with anything that isn't completely incoherent...or hasn't already been said better before by someone more important.

Kathy assured me that the topic for this weeks article submission was "perfect for me". The word association was Expectation. She explained that I could write about my expectations having to do with church past, present and future and I should include the good...the bad and the ugly. I was excited.

She was right...after a lot of thought I realized I had a quite a bit to say about my personal experiences with expectations and church. In I hammered away, it was hard for me to keep my article under a 1000 words!

Beyond being validating, I think writing this ariticle was theraputic on many levels. 1) it forced me to take action because I had a deadline 2) It caused me to examine the cause and effect of "expectation" 3) Reliving my my lack of real maturity in Christ and my performace based reality all those years in the IC and 4) it made me feel powerful exposing the lies and abuse that I endured by people who are supposed to know better.

You can read my article here:

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